My little Lovebuds ♥ :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We never tried...

We never realised the importance of a person until they have gone, we never really thought that person will betray you til we felt it, we had never been able to make ourselves happy til we made someone happy, we never really felt the beauty of love til we tried it, we never really smiled til we made someone smile, and we never really know something til we tried... so try... before we boast about knowing or good at something... for you never know what tomorrow brings...

A dog never thought a bone taste good til he licked it
A cat never thought the mouse is delicious til he ate it
A middle aged woman never thought she will ever get married til she did...
Love never existed til mankind tried it...
Inventors never existed til God created them....

~We are all human... i have learnt a valueble lesson from a great person that we should never be scared about what people think of us and only care about what we think of ourselves... so DO TRY... there's a risk in everything and people might scorn... but one day, when they need our help, their lives will be saved by us... coz we...^^
~this trying post is based on an important person that made goodness knows how many changes in my life... til i'm kinda freaked out... dun tink negative!!^^

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