My little Lovebuds ♥ :)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Random post :)

Hey readers :D Hope you are healthy and well :)
So it's gonna be 2012 in like... a day?
Hope that 2012 will be a better year for the broken hearted :D
Don't give up, hope is always there for you. It's just harder for some
And for those who has a splendid year
Hope that next year will be as sweet for you :)
Tell me what do you think of my pics? They're not really good
I'm not complaining tho :)
Yeah I edited them (obviously :P)
Please comment or rate okay?
Thanks :D
Happy advanced new year folks :DD

personal favourite :)

Monday, December 26, 2011


I know I haven't posted any shit for a very long time :)
So now obviously I'm posting something. and as usual, I'm late for it xD
So I've been to a camp recently and here are the pics :)
(I know what you're thinking you'll be like, "UGH! FINALLY she post something with PICTURES -.- hallelujah" :PP)
Jesslyn, Qiu Er(my patrol leader :D) and tharinee :) 

My tent :D Shared with Jia Yi :P

For those who never seen these before, they are not huge ketupats :D They're TENTS :)

Someone's feet :D

Elaine :DDDDD

The name of my patrol. GET RUDE :D It's actually Gertrude -.-

Tharinee is stalking xD
Qiu Er, Sze Ying, Seok Hwa and Elaine's tent :P Biggest xD

Tharinee, Jesslyn, and Jessica's tent :)

This is a handmade clothes and shoe rack and those are Girl Guide clothes

Qiu Er PL (panda laughing) and Sze Ying PS ( panda snoring) :)

Usssssss~ :D
Seok Hwa also :))

Jesslyn and Miss Tourism :)

Jesslyn is making a tripod :DD (which I still don't know how to do :P)

kthxbaii :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Peace out :)

It's December!
I went to watch breaking dawn (part 1) with Wang :D
Everyone that watched the movie would probably agree with me the fact that this show consists of 90% kissing, 5% action and 5 % everything else :3 It was nice though :D Can't wait til part two comes out :)
So I went to this girl Guides' camp currently, and it was a great learning experience! (God, I sound like something out of the Readers' digest XD) But it was really fun :D
We ad to make our own stuff for putting our clothes and cook on. My schoolmates (including me) don't really know how to tie the knots and stuffs. The seniors there taught us a bit of everything. And our patrol leader was really nice and friendly :D I made lots of new friends (did i say Readers' Digest? I mean kindergarten -.-)
Going to another camp soon :D
BTW, holidays suck a lot :) Not surprising, it's normal to find discrimination in my family but with my brother all the time show obvious-ity that sucks. :D Everyone's telling me how GREAT my brother is now and how they hate me, everyone hate me and how my attitude suck even though it was influenced by them :D
Marvelous! My holiday's gonna be SO FUN! NOT.
Can't wait til school reopens, 6 hours per day and more if got activities :D Maybe I can wangle a few more hours :) Why stay at home and be compared to my brother if I can help it? ;) He pretends to be good, but one can't hear, the other one sides him, one has a fan club for him, one thinks he's all sweet and changed, and the other one thinks he's cute. -.- Pretty much a waste of time to tell my family that he is wrong sometimes and it's not always me
Oh!! Christmas's coming :D
Hohoho! :D

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas, is a new phone
And for my family to be happy always
And for socks to be happy :)
Then  I'm happy
Even if I hate the fact that my family sides my brother so much
I still love them :D
Hope you will grant my wish Santa :p
xxx Vanessa
Merry Christmas!