My little Lovebuds ♥ :)

Friday, March 25, 2011


In a class... there is always a:
~class clown
~class brain
~class drama queen
~the rich, pretty and snobbish
~the talkaholic
~teacher's pet (yeesh)
~art geek
~book worm
~shoe polisher(in league with teacher's pet, the spiteful ones that is)
~and the people that do not really have any jawatan coz they are the ones that sakisikan what the jawatan"ed" people do
However, as we get older. say, sec school. There is two new jawatan(s) that wipes the face of every snob, teacher's pet, brings courage and sticks up for the weak. And is a kinda all rounder. Everyone (and yes, i mean everyone) respects him/her at least a little and will think twice before kacauing him/her. She's not scared of anything, can make everyone hate a person she/he doesn't like and is the sworn enemy of a "dalang di sebalik" That person, is called, Random.
Before I get any further, the " dalang di sebalik" is kinda like a teacher's pet. Or should I say, TEACHERS' PET. They can be damn sweet, show off how smart and sensitive they are in front of easily manipulated people. Teachers, weak kids... etc. But behind their backs, he/she does things so that the person that they hate get into trouble. Then, they will look up at teachers with their puppy dog eyes and say someone bilied them. Naturally, the teachers believe them coz they are really good in education. But they do not know that they are spiteful. :)
Mostly, the Random can see through the "dalang di sebalik's" act. Then, she can tell those people, her/his friends about them. Random's friends are mostly people that is don't really give a damn about shit. They just do whatever they think is right. Randoms are not bulies. They mostly tries to kick a bully's ass and help the weak. But don't get me wrong, they are not monks who gives the weak people advice. Wel,, maybe they do, but not in a sentimental kinda way. Randoms wants people to stick up for themselves. And if she tells you and trains you and you are still a creep. She treats you like a floor. Not really aware that you even exist.
However, "daland di sebaliks" attracts people by their sweet talk. Like a Venus Flytrap, you would say. Most people is her/his puppet. And if there isn't a Random in school, and she puppeteers the teachers, then you're dead. Do you know? " dalang di sebaliks" only ACT good. When they do not need you... They won't be good to you anymore.
Which is why, if a Random hadn't appeared in your school yet (don't worry, they will... God is fair). try sticking up for yourself, you might even end up BEING the Random. As for " dalang di sebaliks" clean up your act before the Random come and knock you out :)
One word of advice, if the person teaches you to be bad, then she/he is not a Random. They might say a bit about kicking teachers' asses and making riots to idiotic bulies, but they will mostly give advice. They don't mostly give them out, so when they do... listen and listen well. Coz you have to remember, Randoms are kinda in the teachers' blacklist category, it takes a lot for them to stop and give you advice. Appreciate them. Randoms can be really smart and good at something. Mostly, not education. But something special that "dalang di sebaliks" don't have.
As for "dalang di sebaliks", not everyone is a "dalang di sebalik". Therefore, if you are a person that sticks up for yourself, don't go bashing every girl/guy that teachers like or their education is perfect. They might actually be nice. Give them a chance, be their friends. If they still act like dogs and bitches (sorry dogs, din mean to insult you) Then you advance :)
Note: Randoms give very single person a chance (or a lot) to prove themselves worthy. They are friends with everyone at least once.
"dalang di sebaliks" mostly give veryone a chance to feel good about themselves then ruin their confidence 100 times worse when they don't need the people anymore.
~Jus to tell you people that this post is completely general. Dun so perasan... 
And you can take this post as advice or a piece of shit. I dun care:)
Have a wicked day ;D

A teenager's feelings

Do anyone realise, our lives. (teenage lives) are very damn confusing? I'm now speaking in general. A teenager's feelings. Don't feel offended.
In school, our teachers say we can't speak a certain language. Yet, they speak it in the staffroom and with certain students. Morning and afternoon session also like that.
(I'm not mentioning which teacher, in case you perasan that it's you I can't do anything oso)
At home, parents always call us to speak the truth. Yet, when we tell them what really happened, they will scold us. Who DARES to tell them the truth???
In school, us prefects have to be hated by both sides. Students hate us cause we have to disagree with everything they do wrong. Teachers scorn us if we do one single tiny mistake.
PEOPLE do you know that us prefects have FEELINGS too????
At home, parents want us to tell our feelings. Our TRUE feelings. when we tell them about a fight with a teacher's pet, or tell them what we think is wrong about the way they teach us, our parents scold us. Many teenagers cut themselves or commited suicide. Why? Because our parents THINK they understand us. But they DON'T.
In school, the teacher sides with those students who does not tell the truth to them. For instance, they might hate the teacher so much that they can ouke just by seeing their face, but they wouldn't say anything. Instead, they talk behind the teacher's back. No teacher realises this. Whenever something goes wrong, they blame the students who tells out what they really feel about a certain teacher. Those people that tell the truth. Teachers, just to tell you something. Don't you know it is good for the students to say what they don't like about you? that way, you can change according to a student's point of view. Therefore, the students will like you more. The students who act good but bad behind? Are spiteful morons. I never act good in front of teacher coz I do NOT wanna be a spiteful moron. If I am good, then I truly like you and would wanna be good to you.
These words are said to you sdults in the teenagers' point of view. You guys may still be thinking you are right. Teachers might think they have no wrong and they can do whatevr they wnat coz they are teachers. Parents might think that they do not need to change. Why? Coz they are the one that earn money, feed us, take care of us, clothe us and out a roof over our head. But remember, without us, there is NO ONE for you to clothe, feed for. And parents AND teachers, do not regret after you see one of your students or children turn out to be a bad person or dissapeared from the human world. Remember, whatever we do, is learnt from you...
-This is a message from teenagers worldwide.