I did not write for a very long time it seems (:
For the time period I was away, many things changed.
My heart, my soul was maybe misunderstood for being ripped into two. But it was never so :D
Whatever I did, I did it to stop myself from being hurt, from tearing for no reason.
Remember those moments when I post totally emo stuff on my blog?
Yeah, the things I do is to stop the emo-ness from happening again.
Stiil :d I'm up for another try :3
17/4 is a day where I will try (:
If I fail... I fail I guess :D
You won't know that I am talking about but the thing is
I'm doing this for love (:
Wish me luck xD
This is the feeling I've been trying to hide, even from myself for a while now :')
kthxbaii (:
have a nice April ;)
Oh BTw, my birthday was so perfect that day xD