“May the circle be open and remain unbroken,
May the circle be open and forever in your heart.
Merry Meet, and Merry Part, till Merry we Meet again!”
May the circle be open and forever in your heart.
Merry Meet, and Merry Part, till Merry we Meet again!”
~Incubus Succubus, May the Circle be Open
Do you believe in Witchcraft? I certainly do... I don't think it's weird, believing in stuff like the forces of nature, ghosts, spirits, demons... Supernatural stuff.
When I was young, I always imagined myself as one of those super powered guys and chicks on TV... pretty lame right? But I still believe in Magick... Even till now... Everytime I want something, I beg the moon and the spirit of the Sun to listen to me and fulfill my dream... Not that I don't believe in God... It's just that, the moon and sun has a damn freakin' weird effect on me... Especially the moon... am I weird? Maybe... Crazy? Probably... XD
Whenever you are sad, need help or whatever... And you don't feel like saying it to anyone... Make a little prayer by your favourite part of nature... Or even whisper to your dreams...
~I may sound weird, but maybe... one day the spirit of Nature can help you endure the worst in your life...
**But I believe, the four elements has a power in them... and the spirit of the Moon will always spread the Light onto everyone...
blessed be....