You know.
Sometimes I'm so scared to approach you
Thinking maybe that if I talk to you
I will trust you again
And that I will be lied to again
Will be hurt by again.
As time draws nearer to the end
I know I will have to end the show soon
I can't really expect you to hang on forever :D
I understand
People have to move on
But I will still always look out for you and remember you :)
Even if you forget about me
And if I live to a 100 years
I will still be the one that steps out and block you if a bullet is gonna hit you :p
Yeah it might sound like I'm exaggerating
But if you ain't living then I can't too :)
My love towards you isn't them same as what others' love are
It's different.
And I hope that I can not ever be scared of you anymore. :']
So I'm gonna share with you guys a song I like :)
My mother ( of all people -.-) introduced to me xD
But it's the greatest song ever :D
Kinda reflects my feelings :3
Weird right? Haha
My friends won't really imagine me as the sensitive type
More of the shout-like-sampat-girl xD
Hm... I'm kinda sentimental xD
Shhhhh :)